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Having your son or daughter’s hair cut or fixed in an updo for a party? We make it a fun and relaxing experience.

Haar trimmen kind
Haar knippen jongen

Modelling your child’s hair

From toddlers to teenagers, at Hairview by Samantha your son or daughter will always feel good about going to the hairdressers and receive a haircut that suits them 100%. Your child can find inspiration by browsing through the numerous hairdressing books in our salon or bring a photo of his or her ideal hairdo.

We make sure toddlers and preschoolers in particular are put at ease and only get a haircut in the presence of mum or dad. Afterwards, they receive a haircut diploma as a reward, so they will already be looking forward to their next visit to our hair salon.

Updos & braids

In terms of techniques, we can perform regular cutting with scissors or shave certain areas using clippers. For festive events (e.g. communion or spring ceremony), we can create an updo or braid your child’s hair.

It is entirely up to you whether to schedule a separate appointment for your child or to combine their haircutting session with yours. If the latter is the case, both parent and child will look radiant!

Don’t hesitate to give us a call to schedule an appointment.
